To assess the effectiveness and safety of the “hydro-fluorescein” adjunct technique for primary pterygium removal.
A non-randomized prospective study was conducted for various types of pterygium excision with superior bulbar conjunctival autograft (CAG) and fibrin glue. We introduced fluorescein staining to ensure thorough elimination of the Tenon tissue around the bare sclera area and the CAG. The primary outcome was the recurrence rate, and the secondary outcome was any complication associated with fluorescein staining.
Ninety-three participants with primary pterygium of Grades 1–3 were recruited and all completed follow-up for at least 1 year. No recurrence was identified during the follow-up period and no long-term adverse reactions were reported with the “hydro-fluorescein” method.
“Hydro-fluorescein” is effective and a safe adjunct in primary pterygium removal and is effective in various grades of pterygia to minimize recurrence with no adverse reaction within 1 year.
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Fig. 1: Preparation of the sterile fluorescence solution.
Fig. 2: Hydro-fluoresceine method.
Fig. 3: The appearance of preoperative and postoperative at 12 months for each sample eye in different groups of pterygia.
Data availability
The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Authors and Affiliations
Department of Ophthalmology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia
Mohd-Asyraaf Abdul-Kadir
Department of Ophthalmology, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Pahang, Malaysia
Mohd-Asyraaf Abdul-Kadir & Khairidzan Mohd Kamal
Department of Optometry and Visual Science, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Pahang, Malaysia
Mohd Radzi Hilmi
Mohd-Asyraaf Abdul-Kadir
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MA prepared the manuscript, figures, and tables. MH and KK designed and supervised the study. All authors revised the final manuscript before submission.
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Correspondence to Khairidzan Mohd Kamal.
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All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM/310/G13/4/-125).
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Hydrofluorescein pterygium excision
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Abdul-Kadir, MA., Hilmi, M.R. & Mohd Kamal, K. Safety and efficacy of “hydro-fluorescein” technique in removing Tenon in pterygium surgery: a 1-year follow-up study. Eye (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-024-03539-7
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Received:11 August 2023
Revised:30 May 2024
Accepted:29 November 2024
Published:10 December 2024
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