![Bologna FC 1909 v LOSC Lille - UEFA Champions League 2024/25 League Phase MD5](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9BPxnYHw3ki48boxXxBWdA7WUH0=/0x0:4000x2857/1200x800/filters:focal(1624x725:2264x1365)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73783992/2187205696.0.jpg)
Jonathan David got the rumor mill all excited recently by [admitting he was a boyhood Barcelona fan](https://www.barcablaugranes.com/2024/11/18/24299619/lille-hotshot-jonathan-david-admits-he-dreams-of-playing-for-barcelona) who had always dreamed of playing for the club.
The Lille hotshot is expected to move on in the sumer, as he’s out of contract, leading to plenty of speculation that Barcelona could be a good destination.
Yet the latest updates from Spain suggest that it’s a move that’s unlikely to happen - even though Barca think it’s a good market opportunity - because the club have plenty of doubts about David.
The main sticking point seems to be that both Deco and Hansi Flick think that David struggles when he lacks space and therefore may find life tricky at Barca.
David is also believed to have attracted fairly serious interest from Tottenham and Bayern Munich who are thought to be ready to step up interest in the attacker.
Barcelona are thought to be looking at potential successors to Robert Lewandowski, but it does not appear that David is a priority target for the club.