![Spotify Camp Nou is already starting to have seats](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/2EHV2cGTD2Qgc5LaVeVAvVb9a8E=/0x0:1810x1238/1200x800/filters:focal(761x475:1049x763)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73796060/2184792327.0.jpg)
Joan Laporta has spoken optimistically about returning to the Camp Nou this season but it’s starting to look like Barcelona may end up playing the whole campaign at Montjuic.
The latest update on the situation comes from ESPN who report the club are “already working internally” on the prospect of not coming home until the 2025-26 season - despite [what Laporta has said](https://www.barcablaugranes.com/2024/12/18/24323517/joan-laporta-offers-fresh-update-on-barcelonas-plans-to-return-to-camp-nou).
A return in March is said to be “unlikely” and it is reported that works have not gone to schedule “due to the fact more work was required on the second tier than initially planned.”
It’s also noted that it will take “three months” for the pitch to be installed and in the right condition to host elite football. Work to install the pitch is still yet to begin, as things stand.
Another factor that makes a return this season is unlikely is that Barca can only change home venues in the Champions League in between the group stages and the knockout phase.
If Barcelona do progress to the next round, and play at Montjuic, they will have to play any further home matches at the Olympic stadium.